Making Your Horse Your Best Friend Safely — Ribbleton

2 min readJan 8, 2021

More and more old entertainments and habits enter our life. With the advent of a new technological era, more and more people are trying to hide from it and live alone with nature.

This is because the bustle of city streets, buzzing computers in offices and people in a hurry affect the human psyche negatively. And this negativity needs to be dumped somewhere. Unity with nature, and especially communication with animals, will help to effectively relax.

Communication with animals mainly ends with pets. Pets, over time, become very similar to their owners, and can no longer fully give the energy of living nature. And wild or at least tamed animals that live their lives in open-air cages and stalls can give many unforgettable sensations. And these feelings will be with you for a long time.

Since ancient times, horseback riding has been adopted by different peoples as entertainment or leisure. Now, walking or communicating with a horse treats people who have various kinds of limitations, both physical and mental. Horses heal with their energy and allow you to achieve pleasure, standing only next to them.

The most interesting and energetic animals that you can give their warmth to others are horses. Horses have such attractive energy that there is no indifferent person when in contact with this wonderful animal.

You shouldn’t be afraid of horses. These are kind and affectionate animals. But, like others, they have different temperaments. And communication depends on the temperament. Horses should be approached only from the side from which they can see you in advance. If you cannot do this, then it is better to wait for the right moment. As everyone knows, you cannot approach the horse from behind; otherwise, you can get injured of varying severity.

In general, riding and communicating with the horse is a good mood for a long time.

Long-term communication with horses makes it possible to easily understand their desires and requests. Alert ears or clattering with a hind hoof are common signs, but not quite so simple.

Do you know what a snuggled tail indicates? Why does a foal chatter with its teeth? Can you spot the first signs of anxiety or fear before they escalate into a real storm?

Come to the Ribbleton and start your communication with horses the right way!

Originally published at




If you want to understand your horse’s behavior and what they are trying to tell you, then Ribbleton can help you.